ART+ INFRASTRUCTURE (A + I) facilitates public art. We are focused on adding vibrant art to Omaha infrastructure. It was conceived by Laura Alley, a director of Faith Foundation and local artists Betni Kalk and Weston Thomson.
By beautifying Omaha’s “in-between spaces” like underpasses, alleyways, and industrial areas, A + I hopes that neighborhoods will become more connected, and that residents and visitors alike will experience more moments of joy throughout the city. A + I continues to evolve to meet the needs of local visual artists, including a new project called Art + You that showcases artists in local businesses.
Putting local artists to work is vital to the health of our community. Thriving cities throughout the nation have successfully added vibrancy and improved public perception through art. We can, too.

Our goal is to connect the dots between Omaha’s ordinary, infrastructure-heavy areas and its most desirable and engaged neighborhoods, making the passage from one area to another more enticing, safe, and even delightful.
By beautifying Omaha’s “in-between spaces” we hope that neighborhoods will become more connected, residents will feel safer, and visitors will experience moments of joy in this city we call home.

From 2020-2023, Omaha by Design helped us to facilitate projects with accounting, contracts and their knowledge about the city of Omaha’s governence and contacts in businesses. From 2024, A+I projects will be a collaboration between LaLa (Local Artists. Local Arts) and Omaha by Design.